experience the tradition
Our cigars are produced in Nicaragua, in the fertile valleys of the Esteli region. Esteli is known for having weather and soil conditions most similar to those in Cuba. Our original founder Macario Casillas began rolling cigars in 1954 and left Cuba in 1971. After spending time in Miami, he moved to Sacramento where he opened his first hand-rolling operation in 1995. Macario eventually started four cigar shops in Sacramento. His reputation for fresh, hand-rolled cigars was unparalleled in downtown Sacramento. We wanted to carry that tradition forward, with the finest hand-rolled cigar that money can buy.
A word about freshness & AGING
The Casillas Cigars are aged 3-6 months after they are rolled, and the essence of the cigars is wonderful to behold. We maintain our humidor in perfect working order to keep all of our sticks at optimum humidity for cigars.
Exclusive Casillas Cigars
We offer an extensive selection of boutique brand cigars, hand-rolled using tobacco from the Esteli and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua. The taste and the aroma are pleasantly unforgettable.
Standard Brand Cigars
We recently started offering brands other than just our own Casillas line. We offer select high quality, boutique cigar brands, including Tatuaje, Arturo Fuente, My Father, Avo Cigars, Davidoff, Padroń, Aj Fernandez, Perdomo, Camacho, Zino platinum, Diamond Crown, Ashton, Ep Carrillo, Oliva, Roma Craft, La Flor Dominicana, Leaf by Oscar, Aladino, Romeo Y Julietta, Montecristo, Gran Habano, Villager, Liga Privada, Undercrown, La Aroma De Cuba.